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    CCAA Webinar Series

    Student-Athlete Wellness

    Courtesy of the CCAA and SIRC.

    The CCAA is pleased to introduce a round-table webinar series ( in a new window). The goal of these panel discussions is to identify topics that are important to the CCAA and its stakeholders and invite experts to provide their insights. 

    Video: in a new window

    This topic discusses the healthy and balanced lifestyle that student-athletes strive to maintain and the resources available to them to ensure success on and off the field of play. In support of this webinar, Brandnew Athlete is providing all student-athletes that view this webinar, complimentary access to their Elite Athlete Transformation Program. For more details contact Jamie Pitblado, VP Business Development ( [email protected] in a new window / 604-220-6061 ) or register by clicking hereOpens in a new window.

    • Host: Jamie Pitblado, VP Business Development at Brandnew Elite Athlete Transformation
    • Guest: Michele O’Keefe, Associate Director, Athletics & Recreation at Niagara College
    • Guest: Billie Rae Busby, Student Support & International Recruitment Coordinator at SAIT
    • Guest: Victoria Robinson-Mozejko, Certified Athletic Therapist at Champlain College Saint-Lambert
    • Presented by Brandnew Elite Athlete Transformation
    • Production support from SportsCanadaTV
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