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    Leadership Tag

    Some leaders emerge in the most trying times that inspire a whole new generation of leaders. These leaders don’t choose, they are chosen. It’s as if they have molded themselves and been shaped by their experiences to lead in moments and situations where most would run or crumble.   Enter Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The former actor and comedian turned wartime symbol of courage and leadership. When Russian President Vladimir Putin began invading Ukraine, most people assumed the smaller...

    So given that this is the "Other Football's) big day with the LA Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals in the SuperBowl, the following article by John Eades does have some relevance here with our game when it comes to lessons on leadership. The following is by the aforementioned John Eades from his "Building The Best" from Friday February 11, 2022. Every leader, good or bad, should be your teacher. It's just more fun to learn from successful...

    The following is courtesy of Jon Gordon and his weekly newsletter from February 7, 2022. I saw a video clip the other day of NFL Wide Receiver Odell Beckham Jr. saying "It's WE not Me" to his teammates during their recent victory over the San Francisco 49er's. You know your leadership and culture is strong when the members of your team and organization speak about and reinforce your core values and principles. It was five years ago when I met with the...

    The following article is courtesy of John Eades and his "Building the Best" weekly newsletter from January 28, 2022. Anyone who truly cares about performance takes their preparation seriously. Unfortunately, most professionals don't show up to a big meeting or make a significant decision with their preparation optimized. At best, you get people who rely solely on their previous experience. While popular in approach, it's not always the best plan.  Experience and expertise seem like reliable sources for preparation, yet they often cause us...

    Courtesy of Ray Dalio Co-Chief Investment Officer & Chairman of Bridgewater Associates, L.P. The current post is courtesy of Ray Dalio and his Linkedin post You won’t accomplish much without great teamwork because you need to work with others to accomplish big things. Many of you have been asking about how to achieve happiness within your organization, so I wanted to share some of my principles for great teamwork that I learned along the way. If you ever want to...

    The following article is courtesy of John Eades and his "Building the Best" weekly newsletter from January 14, 2022. Do you remember how it felt the last time you or your team achieved something meaningful? Whether you received an award on stage or it showed up in the bank account, chances are, you felt pride and a natural high.   While those feelings are wonderful, have you ever stopped to think about the key ingredients that helped you get there?...

    Courtesy of LearnLoft Originally posted December 23, 2021. There are many things that leaders must have wisdom in to create a meaningful impact in the workplace.  Authenticity has proven to be a precious commodity, coaching unlocks others' potential, and communication allows meaningful connection with team members.  But among these many attributes, the value of being on mission and staying on the mission seems to be consistently overlooked.   The value of being on and staying on the mission is constantly overlooked by bad leaders. Part of it is...

    Courtesy of Learn Loft The following post id from John Eades Learn Loft Newsletter on December 15, 2021: John is running a Coaching for Excellence Workshop: Ready to be a more effective coach? Register for the Workshop on December 16th at 12 PM EST. It’s a lot easier for people to perform without assistance than having to assist in their performance. While most professionals have a decent sense of what skills they’re good at and which ones need work, most...