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    John Eades Tag

    Courtesy of John Eades, Building The Best: The following post from John Eades on October 13, 2023 in his "Building The Best" weekly post from LearnLoft and he addresses the importance of measurement of performance. Most performance reviews are a gigantic waste of time and effort. Managers don't like them, team members despise them, and HR doesn't know what to think. However, before you start to believe this is a bashing session around performance reviews, think again.   Measuring performance...

    The following is from John Eades and the "Building The Best" weekly series from September 26, 2023. Making excuses is commonplace for many professionals. Who could blame them? Making an excuse is easier than taking responsibility. If that wasn't enough, it simply feels better to blame someone or something else for a mistake or a lackluster outcome.   However, just because something feels good doesn't mean it helps you. Take Shawn, a first-time manager, as an example. An HR executive...

    The following post is from John Eades' "Building The Best" post on LinkedIn from August 9, 2023,, The performance and engagement of a team is a reflection of the culture leaders create.  This way of thinking is dramatically different than how most managers think about culture. It's often called "soft" or "moderately important." In reality, culture is anything but these things. In Building the Best, I defined culture as "The shared values and beliefs that guide thinking and...

    Courtesy of Building the Best The following article is courtesy of John Eades in "Building the Best" on may 23, 2023. The truth can set you free and create a brighter future than exists today. However, leaders often avoid the truth for fear of what might happen because of it. So they surround themselves with "yes" people who will shelter the truth and tell them what they want to hear. While it might seem like a good idea, a...

    The following article is courtesy of John Eades in "Building the Best" on January 4, 2022. Ask a group full of professionals what they want from a manager, and chances are you'll hear "someone that cares about me" at least half the time. While it seems like an obvious and simple desire, the sad reality is that it's a rarity.   According to Gallup, managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores across business units, yet only 36%...

    Courtesy of John Eades Building The Best The following post from John Eades on "Time To Remake Your Leadership: 7 Ways To Be A Better Leader" is from October 5, 2022. Being a leader that gets results and elevates others is difficult. Even with an endless stream of leadership tips and tricks on the internet, it's easy to lose sight of the main things being the main things.  The goal of this column is to recenter and refocus your efforts...

    The following post is from Building the Best by John Eades on August 24, 2022. The temptation for leaders to lower the bar has officially arrived. The combination of the "great resignation" and a two-year run of an employee-driven market has caused many leaders to have an easy-going mentality. While it's essential to care profoundly and treat people with dignity and respect, lowering the standard required for success will hurt everyone involved.   Take Gabrielle, a sales manager, at...

    Courtesy of "Building The Best" June 22, 2022 The following post is courtesy of John Eades "Building the Best Newsletter on June 22, 2022 Success as a leader is never achieved through your efforts alone.   Too often, managers promoted because of their previous achievements as individual contributors forget this critical lesson.  One of the ways a leader separates themselves from being a manager is by coaching their people. A coach, by definition, is one who trains and instructs. I define...

    Originally published June 14, 2022 by John Eades in the "Building the Best" Newsletter. Getting leaders to care about culture because it's is a battle worth fighting.  Organizational Culture, by definition, is the shared values and beliefs that guide thinking and behavior. If your mind just shifted by that definition, you are not alone. Most professionals think about the office building, ping pong tables, or cool perks that come with the job.   Peter Drucker famously said, "Culture eats strategy for...

    The following is from John Eades' Linkedin post from April 26, 2022. Managers Delegate, Leaders Empower. Here are five ideas to consider around empowering others.I. When leaders delegate, it’s about them. When leaders empower, it’s about others. II. Empowering team members transfers belief and ownership.III. Today’s workplace requires more flexibility while still meeting organizational objectives.IV. Trust is earned through a two-way street paved by consistent action.V. People are more likely to follow through if they verbally commit to themselves...