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    The following post is courtesy of Robert Glazer's "Friday Forward" from February 17, 2023. Over the past decade, coaches and players in professional sports have criticized referees more openly and aggressively, with many star players setting the bad example. However, this is likely not because officiating has gotten worse in that time span. In fact, the reality is that officiating is probably better and more accurate now than at any other time in history. Referees have more technology at their disposal,...

    The following article is courtesy of John Eades in "Building the Best" on January 4, 2022. Ask a group full of professionals what they want from a manager, and chances are you'll hear "someone that cares about me" at least half the time. While it seems like an obvious and simple desire, the sad reality is that it's a rarity.   According to Gallup, managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores across business units, yet only 36%...

    Courtesy of Dan Abrahams Sport Psychology Ltd via LinkedIn The following post is from Dan Abrahams Sport Psychology Ltd from January 12, 2023. Participation is central to the role of a coach. When I use the word participation, I'm referring to engagement. “How do I engage my players?"“How do I help my players engage?"“How do I help my players engage each other and with each other?" Have you ever sat down and thought about these three questions? And when I...

    The following post from Friday Forward Friday January 6, 2023 is courtesy of Robert Glazier, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Acceleration Partners. Real Change (#362) There are two things we are certain to encounter during the first week of the new year: ambitious, life-changing resolutions, and full parking lots at every gym in town. I tend to be skeptical of the long-term staying power of both these things. My doubts are often confirmed when those same gym parking...

    Courtesy of So it's time for a new era in Halifax with the HFX Wanderers. After the parting of ways between the Wanderers and Stephen Hart, Sporting Director Matt Fegan had stated that their timeline was to have a new head coach in place by the end of November and he has delivered as promised. Enter new HFX Wanderers' Head Coach Patrice Gheisar, Coach Gheisar will be brining his style and culture building ways to the Wanderers,...

    By Staff Courtesy of the HFX Wanderers: The Canadian Premier League appears to be alive and well going into year five with all of the things that they have had to deal with when starting a league from scratch.  Okay, so we've lost Edmonton for now, but with Vancouver coming in and all of the mechanizations and moving parts that come with building a national league from scratch in a country as vast as Canada, that still...

    Courtesy of John Eades Building The Best The following post from John Eades on "Time To Remake Your Leadership: 7 Ways To Be A Better Leader" is from October 5, 2022. Being a leader that gets results and elevates others is difficult. Even with an endless stream of leadership tips and tricks on the internet, it's easy to lose sight of the main things being the main things.  The goal of this column is to recenter and refocus your efforts...

    The following post is from Building the Best by John Eades on August 24, 2022. The temptation for leaders to lower the bar has officially arrived. The combination of the "great resignation" and a two-year run of an employee-driven market has caused many leaders to have an easy-going mentality. While it's essential to care profoundly and treat people with dignity and respect, lowering the standard required for success will hurt everyone involved.   Take Gabrielle, a sales manager, at...