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    Mental Health

    Courtesy of Grant Hayes As we hit the end of the first month of competition in USports and the CCAA, we are all starting to see the "toll" that the new workloads for some athletes is taking on them as players trying to juggle school, athletics at the varsity level in College or University and a social life. In a number of cases, for the first years, or freshmen, a completely new lifestyle that is forcing a number...

    Bell Let’s Talk funds Canadian mental health initiatives and organizations all year long that are creating positive change in their communities each and every day. Since 2010, we have committed: Towards our goal of $155 million $139,588,747.75 to Canadian mental health initiative.* Courtesy of ...

    Image Courtesy of SIRC: The following story is from July 25, 2022 courtesy of the SIRC website by Eric MacIntosh, Shannon Kerwin and Alison Doherty, The entire article was reposted as with new University and College seasons around the corner, this subject that all coaches at the post secondary level and in high performance need to be aware of. For more information please go to the SIRC website: Highlights In this article, researchers present their...

    Albert Einstein once wrote on a chalkboard:9 x 1 = 99 x 2 = 189 x 3 = 279 x 4 = 369 x 5 = 459 x 6 = 549 x 7 = 639 x 8 = 729 x 9 = 819 x 10 = 91Suddenly chaos erupted in the classroom because Einstein made a mistake. Obviously, the correct answer to 9 × 10 isn’t 91. And all his students ridiculed him.Einstein waited for everyone to...

    For the full story from May 12, 2021 by Tom Hamilton, Senior Writer at ESPN, please go to: Joe Bryan can't remember how he felt during the best moments of his career. He only recalls those two goals he scored against Brentford in the 2020 Championship playoff final, which earned Fulham promotion to the Premier League and a £170m windfall, through watching highlights. Nor can he remember the emotions of scoring a wondergoal against Manchester United for Bristol City in 2017. But...

    Image courtesy of The Guardian Excerpts of the following story by Ben Welch for the Blizzard are courtesy if The Guardian from May 27, 2021 Psychologists and players share their tips for staying self-assured – and explain why the trick could be in your left hand By Ben Welch for The BlizzardBen Welch Kepa Arrizabalaga is on his knees, hands on hips, watching Southampton’s Che Adams wheel away to an empty corner of Stamford Bridge. Celebratory screams echo around a...

    Gracieuseté de L'histoire suivante est une gracieuseté de initialement publié le 23 avril 2021 Les Paladins collectent des milliers de fonds pour Sans Limites Au printemps, les membres de l'équipe de soccer féminin du CMR ont relevé un nouveau genre de défi. Échangeant leurs crampons contre des chaussures de course, ces équipières des Paladins – qui, étant éparpillées un peu partout au pays en raison de la pandémie, n'ont pas pu jouer ni s'entraîner ensemble – ont lancé...

    Courtesy of The following story is courtesy of originally published on April 23, 2021 The Paladins Raise Thousands for Soldier On This spring, the women's soccer team at RMC took on a new kind of challenge. Trading their cleats for running shoes, the Paladins – who have been spread across the country and unable to play or train together due to the pandemic – launched a fundraiser for Soldier On, while at the same time raising awareness...

    Student-Athlete Wellness Courtesy of the CCAA and SIRC. The CCAA is pleased to introduce a round-table webinar series ( in a new window). The goal of these panel discussions is to identify topics that are important to the CCAA and its stakeholders and invite experts to provide their insights.  Video: in a new window This topic discusses the healthy and balanced lifestyle that student-athletes strive to maintain and the resources available to them to ensure success on and off the field...

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